First of all, I’d like to say thank you to all who read and commented this week. Apparently most of you like the new format, and I like it too, so I think it stays. I’m still looking for someone to help me with some customization and domain hosting issues. If you know a blog designer in the Chicago area who works with WordPress, please give me their contact information.
I’m going to miss those fluorescent tulips, though. Here’s one more look before they are gone forever.
This week I was determined to do some cross-promotion and it really worked. I had more visits from Mama Kat’s Losin’ It and Vanderbilt Wife that I have had since I posted Grandma Lill’s spaghetti sauce. I’d like to send out a big thanks to those ladies for their continued support of the blogging community.
Just in case you missed one of them, here’s a few links to bloggers that crossed my radar this week. Besides having very creative titles to their blogs, they also have thoughtful and funny stories to share. Please spread the comment love around!
Damsel and Family
A Thankful Heart
These Days of Mine
Rubber Chicken Madness
Mommy’s Nest
The Psycho Babbles
My Time As A Mom
On My Mind
Dishwater Dreams
Farewell, Stranger
What Were We Thinking?
Open-Eyed Sneeze
Here’s wishing you a beautiful and restful weekend. If you’re cooking, do it with a glass of something relaxing in your hand and remember that you can always order pizza.