What did I learn about using HDR Pro after my iPhone camera class on Saturday? One needs to have a steady hand — and apparently I don’t. When the two photos merge together the edges need to match. If your hands shake, you get shaky edges. You can see them in the original photo I took. I chose this one because of the cute little snow nipple. 🙂
The other thing I learned at class is that if I take a shaky photo, I can tart it up with effects. Using Picnik, I added the Heat Map 2.0 effect. It certainly takes your mind off of my shaky edges and gives a whole new dimension to the snow nipple!
And I’m heartbroken that Picnik is “merging” with Google. I tried it, and it doesn’t have the effects and framing capabilities that the original Picnik does. Picnik was just so darn easy — who’s got a recommendation for a busy teacher?
This post is linked up to Wordless Wednesday at Project Alicia, Angry Julie Monday, Live and Love Out Loud, Naptime Momtog, and And Then She Snapped.

So fun.
pretty neat!!
Tee hee, what an amusing shape observation! Fun effect, too.
-:¦:- WW: Dwarf Crocodiles -:¦:-