Every now and again I go through a period of intense need to create, and blog posts just flow out of me. Of course, the converse is sometimes true and I can’t work up the desire to even log on to Got My Reservations. I guess it’s a good thing I’m not trying to write a book right now!
I do have a book in my head, though, and it’s based around one of my favorite historical characters, Anne Boleyn.
After visiting her childhood home this summer, I got an idea for a DaVinci Code style mystery. Maybe when I retire…
Anyway, the last month has been a dry spell, but at least I have a reason. It’s been one of those hanging-by-my-fingernails starts to the school year. We have a new curriculum and most of its resources must be accessed online. I spend hours looking through menus trying to find the book I need and then have to page through PDF files because the page in the index isn’t exactly the same page as it is in the PDF list. Don’t you think that the publisher would understand and try to fix at least that little annoyance? And there are so many others, but that’s not why I’m writing at 6:46 am this morning.
While reading the painful account of my niece’s road to foreclosure, my heart was breaking. In the spirit of sharing her joys and tribulations to help others as she does, I have linked her story up here. Perhaps there is someone in your life who needs some support from a friend.
Are you a comment reader? Sometimes the comments are as fascinating as the blogger’s stories, so this week I skimmed down Jessie’s comment list. At the bottom, I found the blog where she links up her Saturday Linky Love and decided to check it out. I want to reach out there in cyberspace and hug Staci from Simply Staci for saying what I haven’t had time to write this year, much less say to the parents of my students. If husband wasn’t still sleeping, I would have laughed out loud at Staci’s comment about middle school dances.
I hope that your life isn’t in a dry spell and that you are enjoying your weekend. I’m determined to get those 50 baseline proficiency essays graded so that I can re-emerge into cyberspace sometime soon, not to mention have a weekend life. See you soon!