I have a favorite perfume and you can’t get it just anywhere. We order it from the Vermont Country Story, which calls itself “The Purveyors of the Practical and Hard-to-Find.” Every few years at Christmas, darling husband orders a new bottle of Ombre Rose. It has a light rose top note, but follows with a honey scent and then finally vanilla and sandalwood. It’s more complex than it appears at first, and of all the perfumes I’ve worn over the years, Ombre Rose can consistently be worn day and night without smelling-out the room.
I’ve always loved the bottle which reminds me of Lalique glass from France. Turns out, JC Brosseau copied the original design of another brand of perfume from the 1920s — some web sites say that Brosseau actually acquired the old molds. In any event, JC Brosseau adapted the design for his own perfume Ombre Rose in 1981. Apparently the 1981 perfume bottles are sometimes identified as 1920 Mury bottles on ebay.com, so a collector must beware.
Another favorite perfume of many friends is the classic Emeraude. Launched by Coty in 1921, it was the first “Oriental” fragrance and is still very popular today, although the perfume bloggers tend to discount the newer version over vintage Emeraude. I’d definitely wear Emeraude if it came with this gorgeous vintage dress.
When talking about perfume, it’s impossible to leave out the most beautiful of all the perfume fantasy and imagery. How can one go wrong wearing a perfume entitled Evening in Paris? According to Vermont Country Store, where you can still buy it, “Evening in Paris or Soir de Paris, as it is known in France, came from the daring decade of the 1920s—think glittering nightlife, flapper fashion, the heady perfume of luxury. By the 1950s, Evening in Paris was touted as “the fragrance more women wear than any other in the world,” yet by 1969 it had disappeared.” I would like to be that girl in the Evening in Paris ad just once.
Wow! Last year I skipped five days. I won’t be doing that this year; I have a lot more to share this Christmas. Keep commenting — I’m glad to see that people are enjoying my commentary on Christmas.