Sometimes I have things to share that are short and don’t really need a full blog post. My niece Jessie does a Saturday wrap-up post that I always enjoy, so I decided to try it myself. I hope you like my random thoughts. 🙂
Favorite photos
I joined a photography challenge called the 365 Project and have been posting photos daily. The point is to actually take photos every day and get some feedback to improve your photography. I have to admit that I’m not always perfect about posting that day’s photo. Sometimes I get nothing and resort to “filler” shots from previous days, but it’s my project and I can make my own rules. Right? Here’s a couple of my favorites from the last few weeks.
I have taken many photos of this little girl (with her parents’ permission, of course), and she’s always wary of the crazy camera lady. I thought this shot captured her wariness perfectly.
We’ve been having a whale of a snowy winter here in Chicagoland. Many of my photos were about snow over the last month.
Home decor inspirations
I was looking for a dough bowl on ebay and ran across this one. Someone needs this — not me, but someone out there! Can you imagine the fun tablescape you could create with this cute piggy?
We’ve seen countless tutorials and blog posts about how to dress your mantel (Please check your spelling, folks, when talking about the flat space above your fireplace. It’s not a mantle, it’s a mantel.) The same ideas can be used for decorating your sideboard, which is how I plan to use this tutorial. I don’t have a fireplace. Sniff.
I’ve been sorting and rearranging my kitchen after reading The Art of Tidying (see my post about the book), and one of the things I did was to put my Pyrex casserole dishes on a rack standing on their sides. They don’t stack on top of each other risking breakage and I don’t have to drag out the whole heavy stack when I want just one dish. The author of the Tidying book is Japanese and gives animate characteristics to inanimate objects. She says that no one wants to have all that heavy weight stacked on top of her — it’s both a literal and figurative message, isn’t it? Here’s a link to similar racks from The Container Store.
New recipes I tried
I saw Giada de Laurentis make this Halibut Poached in Olive Oil with Broccoli Rabe Pesto on the Cooking Channel and I tried it for our supper. I was only interested in the broccoli pesto, which I made with regular broccoli and almonds and planned to use as a side dish for steak. I think that next time I’ll roast the garlic first, as it was a little overpowering in a side dish. Or possibly I “might” have added extra cloves of garlic that the recipe did not call for which made it pretty tangy. Either way, roasted garlic would be yummy with this and the color was beautiful on the plate.
I had some leftover bits of shrimp and scallops in the freezer that needed to be used up, so I made Seafood Crepes with Mornay Sauce. It’s not the first time I’ve used this recipe, but it’s been a while. It’s a little time consuming but worth every yummy minute (and calorie). I’ve had the leftovers for breakfast the last two days!
Favorite off-line reading
For Book Club on Monday, I led the discussion about The Lavender Keeper by Fiona McIntosh. Set in France during the German WWII occupation, it is a touching love story in the midst of espionage and resistance. After reading the reviews, you will know that you should get both The Lavender Keeper and its sequel, The French Promise. You will want to read both back to back to get the whole story.
So that was my week — it didn’t seem all that busy when I actually experienced it. 🙂
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Ha! The look on that little girl’s face is priceless!!! She’s got that, “Who you lookin’ at?” look going on! Hilarious! On the other side of that, though, your photography is gorgeous! I’ve considered taking a photography class through the community college where I teach, but I just haven’t made the time. Perhaps next semester.
THANK YOU for reminding people that it is a fireplace mantEL, not mantle as in cloak. Geez, Louise! That drives me crazy!!! Sorry you don’t have a mantel to decorate, but I’m sure you have plenty of flat surfaces that you can deck out to the nines!
Since I’ve been on my back for so long, I’ve been a Pinterest fiend and will be headed to Old Time Pottery to get more of those dividers as soon as possible. I have a number of them that I use for storing my handbags. I will be dividing my Pyrex as well as other serving pieces with those. Especially now with the back recovery I don’t need to be lifting heavy pieces up to get to others. It’s such a simple idea…I wonder why I didn’t think of it!!!
I’m glad you’re enjoying your time in the kitchen and reading. The food photos are great!
Enjoy your weekend!!!!
Alycia, there’s nothing like taking a class with a real experienced photographer, but since you are laid up right now, you might want to consider a class through Craftsy. There are several that might suit you. Thanks for such a lovely note!