What’s the big deal with people making fairy gardens?

Image from Fairy Garden Store
I’ve had conversations recently with two sensible friends who are creating little villages purportedly for their grandkids. I’m not so sure, given all the hype I’ve seen in gardening stores recently. It’s not little kids who buy this stuff.
I have to admit, I kinda liked the little picnic tables with the wine in the baskets. Cute. 🙂
In researching this phenonemon, I ran across a tutorial video, so of course I had to share it with you.
In my favorite garden store, Pesche’s in Des Plaines, Illinois, there are shelves and shelves full of miniature dwellings, furniture, garden ornaments, and of course, fairies of all types.

I included this fuzzy photo because it has the same blue gazebo as shown in the first picture of a completed fairy garden.
I probably shouldn’t be talking about this anyway. I’m the one who never finished my daughter’s doll house and eventually gave it away when she didn’t want it either. I sometimes wonder whether that made me a bad mom.
Once I got over the shock and awe over all the stuff one could buy to create a fairy village, I thought this set up at Pesche’s was really cute.
That doesn’t mean I don’t love me a little village — don’t forget I LOVE my Dickens Village at Christmas. Yes, I’m unmasked as a hypocrite.
Are you creating a fairy village for your garden this year?
Link up your photos in the comments — and I promise I won’t ridicule you.

LOL I have a fairy garden or two! I got into it about 5 yrs ago and I’ve noticed that it’s still popular. I think it brings out the kid in us- still wanting to play with our little dolls etc.! It’s not hard to start spending a wad on this stuff. If you really want to dabble in it, try doing it in a small planter first and that way the commitment isn’t too big. That garden center has a lot of stuff to pick from- I’d be finding it hard not to buy a lot of goodies! I broke my fairy garden into two last year. I have a post on my other blog. http://www.sitwithmeinmygarden.com/2013/06/fairy-gardens.html
Liz, I love your fairy garden. Thanks for posting your link!
Thanks for sharing these delightful scenes. You’re awesome to keep us informed. I had no idea there were so many fairy products out there. As a tot, I spent more time than I probably should have lingering in the woods in my imaginary (?) fairy world, even before I could read stories. I got back into it recently while planning a Shakespeare tablescape in celebration of the Bard’s 450th birthday. My challenge is attempting to arrange A Midsummer Night’s Dream along with two other woodland comedy scenes (Winter’s Tale and AYLI) onto the center of a 60-inch round tabletop. After seeing your post, I am thinking I may place the entire fairy scene into a broken pot, with my collectible Bottom Weaver standing “outside looking in.”
Oh, well, I could really get into the small stuff…so much more control! Afterward, just string a few lights and really impress the grandkids.
You are much more imaginative than I am, EJ. I’d love to see your Shakespeare gardens.
Oh Jenny, where have you been? Fairy (faerie) gardens are so much fun! And yes it is true that a fairy garden gives fully grown adults an opportunity to play make believe again. I had a Christmas village that encompassed half of my family room so I know a lot about playing make believe (plus making doll houses and miniatures in days gone by). The fairy garden is an opportunity to play with tiny furniture to place in tiny houses for tiny fairy creatures to live and play in and lovely little trellises and garden furniture to adorn their diminutive landscapes. Join the fun, you will love it! Here is a link to my Pinterest fairy garden board – http://www.pinterest.com/candystefan52/fairy-houses-and-gardens/ – enjoy. I am working on my outdoor garden under the white pine tree in my yard to get it ready for summer and a container fairy garden for the patio for the summer. It is an ongoing labor of love. My kids know what to get me for Mother’s Day (more fairies!). Except for the things the kids have given me everything has been gathered from thrift stores and homemade. You can create a gorgeous fairy garden without buying anything from the garden center – just let your imagination go! Signed Candy – lovin fairy gardens.
This is an extensive collection of fairy stuff on your Pinterest board, Candy. Amazing!
Great article, Jennie! I’ve thought of creating just a very small one in a flower pot, for a bit of whimsy in the backyard, but of course, haven’t gotten around to it like 100 other things on my to-do list.