One of the most rewarding parts of writing a blog is when people actually respond back to you. I was thrilled to get this link from my dear friend M.K., who suggested I share it with my readers. She’s right; it’s perfect for the beautiful snowy days here in Chicagoland. (If you don’t have snow, imagine that you do…)
Everywhere, everywhere, snow sifting down,
a world becoming white, no more sounds,
no longer possible to find the heart of the day,
the sun is gone, the sky is nowhere, and of all
I wanted in life – so be it – whatever it is
that brought me here, chance, fortune, whatever
blessing each flake of snow is the hint of, I am
grateful, I bear witness, I hold out my arms,
palms up, I know it is impossible to hold
for long what we love of the world, but look
at me, is it foolish, shameful, arrogant to say this,
see how the snow drifts down, look how happy
I am.
“Manna” by Joseph Stroud, from Of This World. © Copper Canyon Press, 2009.

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