Losing It: Week 10

I did it. Clocked a few miles and lost three pounds. Please don’t desert me. I’m going to keep posting on Fridays and I hope that you will join me. I’ve added a new linky list — please leave a post, or I’ll feel really sad and lonely.

Someday I’ll look like this and you all will wonder how you didn’t notice the siren in your midst. I was actually really disappointed that no one on Dancing with the Stars seemed to realize that Pam was channeling Sophia Loren. Sadly, I think I have to be vegan to look like Pamela Anderson and that’s not going to happen.

Here’s to another ten weeks in which I may actually lose some weight! Thanks to Mary from Giving Up On Perfect, Jessie from Vanderbilt Wife, and Ashleigh from Heart & Home for hosting the first time around. If you’re a newbie, join in and share your journey.

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5 thoughts on “Losing It: Week 10

  1. Thinking about you, and knowing the constant battle with health and body image. You are an inspiration though, and now I am determined to get walking! Knowing others have the same struggle as I do is somehow comforting. Even better is knowing that someone (you) are doing something about it. It’s amazing to me how encouraged I feel and how motivated I can get just based on your sharing. Thanks!

  2. You are awesome! 🙂 I just entered my week 10 post in your McLinky and have subscribed to your blog so we can keep the momentum going!

  3. Congratulations on 3 lbs. down and walking more! I’ve written out 10 more weeks in my calendar and am continuing onward. This has been a wonderful experience and I have enjoyed reading your blog updates. Keep up the good work!

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