As a writer and photographer, as well as being a retired teacher, it has been instilled in me that reflection is important to the artistic process and to personal growth. With this in mind, I watch my stats carefully, although not religiously, and I try not to be driven by what others think. It’s always good at the end of the year to examine what worked and what didn’t in all parts of one’s life — and especially in what one puts out into the universe.
So here goes — my top posts of 2013 and my opinions as to why they got as much traffic as they did. Click into the red title to see the full post.
York Minster — A Cathedral for the Ages
At almost twice the number of hits any other post received, I know that this was because the photo I used (and gave image credit to) showed up on Google Images with my link. This post was also pingbacked by three travel blogs, using the same photo I used but citing my blog as the source. Sadly, I wish this wasn’t the way I got so many visitors, as it wasn’t even my original photo, but at least it was my original writing.
A Nice Italian Red
This post has held the pole position on my sidebar all year, so it’s not surprising that it got so many hits. Looking at my tablescape (and especially my centerpiece) I hope that people moved on and looked at other entries in the tablescaping category, as this certainly shows that I was a newbie. It’s time to make a change on my sidebar links.
Getting Up to Speed on the Tudor Court
I wrote this post in response to a book review that I did — there was lots of interest in the Lancaster, York, and Tudor family trees I posted. I love historical fiction, and this was a fun post to write.
New Bells for Notre Dame
I wrote this post for the cloche party at A Stroll Thru Life in February, and then Marty featured me in her weekly roundup. Thanks to this publicity, there have been many visitors to see the video I posted.
Family Reunion Gifts Bring a Sunflower Tablescape
Looking back at this post, I can see that my photography took a very positive turn when I got my new lens — a Canon EF 50mm f/1.4. You all loved the sunflowers, too!
Slow Cooker Lasagna
While this has gotten a lot of hits on its own, its connection to the Vanderbilt Wife blog is sure to have improved its popularity. Thank you, Jessie, for continuing to support your ole auntie’s writing endeavors!
Over the River and Through the Wood Tablescape
Last, but not actually least, there was my post-Thanksgiving tablescape which featured an antique sleigh and non-Christmas colors on the first week of December. This post got the most hits on a single day — and I attribute this to the wonderful referrals from linky parties at other blogs.
That leads me to my thank yous to the generous bloggers who have consistently provided referrals and support in 2013 through their linky parties and comments. Tablescapes at Table 21, Between Naps on the Porch, Cuisine Kathleen, We Call It Junkin, Plum Creek Place, and Vanderbilt Wife have been wonderful friends to Got My Reservations.
So what’s in store for me for 2014? I’m hoping to do some blog design and add some carefully considered advertising. In my life, I’m hoping for a resolution to my knee problems and lots more healthy physical activity as a result. I love where my family is right now — everyone is happy and healthy and I hope it will stay that way. Cooking thoughtfully is going to continue in our household, and I’ve got ideas for a new series. I want to read some more great books and I want to do some more travel. I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions, but I’m pretty sure these goals are attainable.

I loved seeing your top posts and moreover why you think they got the traffic they did. It is interesting to figure out why a given post got the attention it did.
Happy New Year.
– The Tablescaper
Thank you, Jennie, for sharing your successes! I loved reading about what worked for you and reviewing some posts from 2013. It is surprising sometimes what brings more traffic! May God bless you (and your blogging) in 2014!
Great recap, Jennie! And thanks for the shout-out. I like how you use “goals” instead of “resolutions”, I’m doing the same thing. My goals are to clean out the cabinets under my kitchen & bathroom sinks by the end of January, and make-over my dinette & entryway. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for the blog, my best to you and your knees!
LOVE all of the pictures and remember quite a few of these posts. Happy 2014!
Well butter my head and call me a biscuit! Thank you, Jennie! That is so sweet! You KNOW how much I enjoy visiting your blog! I didn’t get to stop by as often in 2013 as I was dealing with my stupid shoulder thing and the whole Daddy-getting-sick-and-passing away thing (which I’m still surprisingly very weepy about on a daily basis), but those that I did get to see were always a pleasure. There are a couple of these on your retrospective that have piqued my interest, so I’ll swing by to catch them.
I’m hoping that 2014 is all you’re hoping for it to be. I would love to see you get all the way healthy with those knee problems (joint pain sucks SO bad!). Here’s to you for a year of happiness, health, joy and wealth! Take care!