Writer’s Workshop Prompt: You were supposed to start a garden this summer…share the fruits of your labor.
I had big plans for the garden this summer. I really did.
I had dreams of lush shrub borders underplanted with flowering perennials that kept my flower vases full all summer.
I had visions of freshly made pesto and caprese salad direct from my organic garden.
I had in my daily planner a dip into a cool summer grass of morning while I tended my yard and pots, but that would require there to actually be dew on the grass, for the morning to actually be cool, and for me to get up early enough to see said dew. And apparently I also forgot to stake the tomatoes in recent weeks.
Reality sometimes bites.
I’m linked up with Mama Kat’s Losin’ It this week. Stop by and visit some other delicious garden stories — I’m sure SOMEONE got veggies this year.