I’m linking up to Mama Kat this week —
My prompt: Share a lesson you learned from your father.
On Friday, while visiting our son in Oakland, California, we also visited a salvage store. I had been struggling with this week’s prompt, since I’m also struggling with poor internet connections at the hotel, and wasn’t sure I could do my father justice this year. Then the visit to the salvage store made it all clear.
My father taught me to value the unlikely, to see the beauty in the ignored, to have the joy of creating something out of nothing.
Today I met another dad — one who would have loved being friends with my dad. It was hard for me to see all of his work, because it reminded me of my dad and how much I miss him. It was, however, a powerful reminder of how important it is to keep the memories of our loved ones alive through the legacies they leave behind.
Thanks to Grandpa Nick for the new memories I have of Father’s Day.