My father was a man ahead of his time. I’ve talked about him here and here and here. Sadly, he passed away in 2009, and got rid of his computer about 2004 when he could no longer see the monitor clearly because he had macular degeneration.
P.S. My mom wasn’t particularly happy about that but she wasn’t in charge. That’s another story for another day.
He would have loved Facebook. He was desperate to share his ideas with the world and he would have been thrilled to see everyone’s photos. He would have figured out a way to convert his slides to digital images so he could post them on Facebook.
And then he would have stalked and commented. Can you image what a man of 80 years old who had no filters might say? I shudder to think about it. Would people be kind, or would they block him?
I really wish I could teach my daddy how to use Facebook. He would have been the best stalker ever and the best poster any of us have ever known.