One of my favorite bloggers writes and writes and writes… and it’s all worth reading.
This post just hit the spot when I reread it the other day. Jillian at A Room of One’s Own writes a conversation between Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler in which Scarlett discusses Jillian’s blog. I’ll warn you, though, it’s important to know the story to get all the jokes. Don’t you just love being an allusion monster?
Jillian has also written a similar conversation between Elinor and Marianne Dashwood from Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility.
If either of these books are on your “save for eternity — don’t you dare put that in the library sale” shelf, you’ll love Jillian’s interpretation.
I’m off to the family reunion; have a wonderful weekend!

Aw! Thank you for the kind remarks! These were written on a lark. I’m glad they entertained. 😉