We call these simple orange daylilies ditch lilies because they grow wild in the ditches here in the Midwest. They’re still beautiful and worthy of a photograph.
According to invasive.org, “Orange daylily is a popular ornamental that has escaped to invade natural and disturbed areas throughout the United States. Plants are 2-4 ft. (0.6-1.2 m) tall with round stems. Leaves are grass-like, bright-green, 1-3 ft. (0.3-1 m) long and curve toward the ground. Flowers develop in the summer and are large, showy, and orange in color. Flowers occur in clusters of 5-9 at the apex of the stalk. Flowers in a cluster open one at a time and only for one day each. Flowers may have spots or stripes. Many cultivars of daylily now exist in a wide variety of sizes and flower colors. Orange daylily infestations often occur adjacent to plantings or at old homesites. Areas invaded include meadows, forests, floodplains, ditches, and forest edges. Once established, the thick tubers make control difficult. Orange daylily is native to Asia and was introduced into the United States in the late 19th century as an ornamental.”

I grew up with daylilies on a 6-generation family farm in southwestern Ohio. They were so beautiful, and they covered the entire creek bed at the bottom of the hill that was our front yard. My visits to our homestead are limited, but I always look forward to the vibrant orange blooms in June and am reminded of those days of navigating the rocks and playing in the creek with my brothers and friends. Then I am reminded of the view we had of the lilies from our front porch swing, from my bedroom window and adjacent porch, from the living room and kitchen windows, from the back and side yards. So, more than I realized, my life has been enhanced by the daylily.
When I was growing up these lilies lined our neighbors very long driveway and the front of his farmhouse. When we tried to pick them he used to chase after us with his rake and yell at us!