On its cover, Give + Take (2010) by Stona Fitch has a red stiletto pump with a glitter heel sitting on a piano keyboard. It was irresistible on the new books shelf at the library. Happily, the material inside did not disappoint. Give + Take is about a musician turned thief-with-a-heart-of-gold who steals from the rich to give to the poor. It’s a well-crafted twist on the Robin Hood story with some light suspense and gangster action thrown in and is a good summer couch read.
Possibly more interesting, however, is the author’s publishing initiative, the Concord Free Press. What a concept! You give money to the charity of your choice and the publishing house gives away free books. I’d be interested to see if anyone reading this decides to participate. Leave a comment!.

I just heard about this on NPR yesterday or today. Very intriguing. I would support it if I knew where to find the books.
If you click on the Concord Free Press link, it appears that there are three available books, including Give + Take and the new Gregory Maguire book. I haven’t actually tried to get a book from them yet.