Every time Friday rolls around, I just hang my head in shame. How could another week have gone by without losing any weight?
I always have an excuse; this week’s excuse was the death and funeral of my husband’s stepmother. We lost his mother eleven years ago, my father in June 2009, his father in September 2009, and now his stepmother. My mother remains, but she isn’t in very good health and could also go at any time. It’s been a really hard year for our family.
The thing is, we human beings use food to bring us together. Families in crisis gather around tables groaning under the weight of our comfort food. Normally, our lives are so busy that we pick up junk to fill our stomachs, but that junk food doesn’t fill our spirits. When something like a death in the family occurs, we stop cold. And out comes the food and drink along with the family memories and traditions.
This week I celebrated the life of a smart, witty, and generous woman who will be missed by her family and friends. With that celebration came a lot of food and abnormal patterns in my life.
I’m hoping that next week is “normal,” whatever that is. I need to create a new normal in my life that includes smaller portion sizes, fewer carbohydrates, and more meal planning. Keep sending good thoughts my way; I need them.

Jennie, I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. Please don’t beat yourself up over weight loss! Although, I have to admit that I do the same darned thing. Seriously, it’s a new week – we can DO IT! 🙂
As I read your comment, tears started rolling down my cheeks. One of the best things about being a part of a blogging community is that somehow, strangers become one’s friends without ever having met. I suppose there are examples of that in literary history, but now that it’s happening to me, it has become very meaningful. Thank you for your kind words and support, Mary.
Jennie – I’m so sorry to hear about your step mother in law. Your family has had a really stressful year. you are in our prayers. Regarding the weight – you can do it!