We’ve all been here.
The brilliance of the leftover flowers competes with the pick-me-up of a strong cup of coffee on the morning after that special wedding.
Sometimes I even embarrass myself.
I keep telling my family and friends to get over their embarrassment when I photograph everything in sight — especially at restaurants. But I knew I loved that coffee cup the minute I saw it; I grabbed it away from the person carrying it so that I could photograph it. You can see that the drip from her mouth is still on the cup. I was ruthless.
Fortunately, I appear to be in good company.
This post from Pioneer Woman about her fascination with Fire King Jadeite restores my faith in humanity. This is not the first time that Ree and I have thought alike. I’m just sayin.’
I’m linked up to Wordless Wednesday parties at Create With Joy and 5 Minutes for Mom. Be sure to stop by and leave a comment or two for the creative bloggers showcasing their work today!