Today’s plan is ambitious.
- Put away Christmas decorations. Yes, we ARE that family, and in our defense, it’s not February yet.
- Grade a stack of papers. It’s the weekend; what else would a busy teacher be doing on the weekend?
- Pick up good friend at the airport and feed her with both bodily and emotional sustenance. She’s got a long road ahead of her as she navigates the death of her father.
- Grade another stack of papers. I think I need a sarcasm font (thanks for that one, Suzanne).
- Finish reading Bright Lights, Big Ass by Jen Lancaster.
- Grade a stack of papers. Oh, yay!
- Read all of Dancing at the Rascal Fair by Ivan Doig.
The idea of a reading mini-marathon came from Jillian at A Room of My Own, but I don’t think the mountains of student essays were part of her game plan when she did it last weekend. I’m also not a Tweeter, so I don’t think anyone will notice if I don’t actually get my reading done today. It’s at least a plan…we’ll see how I do. 🙂
Happy weekend!
P.S. If you’re on Facebook, please “like” my page. I’m feeling lonely and no one will ever want to advertise with me without at least 50 “likes.”
Lancaster image credit, Doig image credit