Losing It: Week 4

I didn’t this week.  And frankly, I loved every minute of the times I spent with friends socializing this week. But I’m still trying.

One of the most lovely things about being my age is that I can cope with a bad week, because I am absolutely sure that next week can be a better one.

Between my mother’s declining health and that fact that it’s the week before spring break at school,  I’m pretty sure that next week will be a really bad week, but that doesn’t mean I have to drown my sorrows in food. It just means that I have to be as intentional as possible about filling my little cooler with good things to eat.

I’ve been doing pretty well with the witching hour between the time the students leave at 3:00 and the time I actually eat dinner at 6:30 or so. I have a stash of Glucerna bars in my closet, and usually have one of those. They are nice and chewy and chocolatey and satisfy that craving. I often have cottage cheese or one of the little yogurts then, too. I haven’t stopped for fast food on the way home for a month (since we’ve been doing Losing It Fridays), and I’m pleased with that success. I don’t even think about it now.

As usual, I’m sitting at my desk and looking outside. I just took a similar photo last week when the yard was totally spring green.

We’re having snow on the first day of spring, but like my  week for dieting, I know this will pass. At the risk of offending you with a corny metaphor, spring snow is like my eating journey. The snow is an aberration; it will go away and so will my bad food behaviors of the past week. And like the way we anticipate spring, I already feel rejuvenated and excited about what’s to come. There are lots of skinny spring and summer clothes (well, skinnier) in my closet calling my name!

Have you had any little successes this week? Share them with  me and with Vanderbilt Wife. Link up to Giving Up On Perfect to share your weight loss story with sympathetic friends.

Losing It: Week 3

The international symbol for “NO” — and my new mantra.

No starving myself. No blood sugar crashes. No fad diets.

Are you with me?


  • % Lost: I lost 1.5% of my body weight. That’s probably due to my having a more accurate scale.
  • Week One Goal: Caved in to McDonald’s breakfast more than once this week. Can I claim stress as my trigger?
  • Week Two Goal: Using the pedometer was very interesting. One day I walked 7,000 steps in a regular day; other days I guess I spent too much time at my computer because I only walked a few thousand steps. This needs to be more consistent. “GET OUT OF THE CHAIR!” she said. (There I go talking in third person again. Bad me.)
  • Week Three Goal: It was a good week for sodium, except for those McDonald’s breakfasts and the prepared pesto sauce. Gotta make my own, and I can’t wait until I have basil in my garden again. Spring appears to be trying to get here.
  • Week Four Goal: This is going to be a hard one. If I can keep from gaining weight and keep up with Goals 1, 2, and 3, I’ll be happy. There are likely to be road trips during the upcoming week. 🙁

Join us at Giving Up On Perfect. It’s all about solidarity.

Losing It Week 2

Family solidarity with Vanderbilt Wife and Life Without Marbles. Healthier lifestyle. English wedding in May. France in July. Must lose weight. That’s what I keep telling myself. “Myself” seems to be having trouble with her hearing.

I just couldn’t get motivated to get out a post this weekend, and here it is Wednesday already. We’re well on our way to another Friday’s “Losing It” post. I just can’t think of anything witty to say; maybe my healthier food choices are affecting my creativity. I always thought I was hilarious with a forkful of fried calamari and a glass of wine in my hands.

So, let’s try using Shakespeare as my muse. How does she love “herself” this week? Let me count the ways.

  1. I love that “she” bought a new scale. It weighs the same as the scale at the doctor’s office and keeps her honest at home.
  2. I love that “she” bought a pedometer. She only has about 4,000 steps today, but she is going to work on that tonight while American Idol is on.
  3. I love that “her” elastic waisted pants are all getting too big. Can I get a witness to a loud chorus of “Give them away!”?
  4. I love that “her” boss is joining in on our solidarity movement and is support of “her” efforts. (Can’t do a photo of him here in order to retain his anonymity.)

Now if “she” can only stop writing in third person and take responsibility for her own weight loss, “she” might get some results. It’s a challenge, but when I look at the state of my mother’s health, it’s a challenge that I know I have to face head-on and conquer.

  • % Lost: I lost 1% of my body weight. I wish it were more, but if I do this enough times, it will add up.
  • Week One Goal: Only did McDonald’s breakfast once again this week. Maybe that should just be the goal.
  • Week Two Goal: Exercising was mostly comprised of walking around school. A sad showing on this one, but the pedometer may be the motivation I need.
  • Week Three Goal: Stop eating sodium-laden frozen lunches. Pack my own with leftovers.
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