Last year, I got all ambitious and decided to do a post a day as we led up to Christmas. We all have our “things” that make us happy and sad at the same time, holidays and events that evoke sentimentality and craziness. Christmas time is that “thing” with me. That’s probably why I have a basement full of Christmas decorations, and you can see that we take our Christmas packaging very seriously.
Yes, Virginia, that’s a Halloween pumpkin that has lost its way into the Christmas corner, by the way.
As you probably noticed during the 31 Day Challenge in October, it’s pretty difficult for me to post every day, but I almost managed to make it. I promised myself after the October scramble that I wasn’t going to do the 25 Days this year, but then I ran across a catalog that got my creative juices flowing again. So, here we are, celebrating my favorite time of year with some of “My Favorite Things.” I hope you will comment and share your stories as we travel the holiday road together.
It’s not a coincidence that I pulled the photo of Julie Andrews and the Von Trapp children to start the series. Music is the first induction into the season, and both the inspiring sacred masterpieces and the silly secular songs have meaning for me. As I said last year, it’s not Christmas until Rosemary Clooney sings “Love, You Didn’t Do Right By Me,” and it’s not Christmas without my iPod loaded up with Christmas albums. I’ll start you off with the first four I loaded into iTunes — all fabulous for listening to in your car and while you cook.
And because Glee makes us happy with their impeccably produced covers of just about anything, don’t forget to pick up a copy of the new Glee Christmas album that came out in November.
What’s YOUR favorite thing at Christmas? Shoot me an email ( and we can talk about a guest post or leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you!
Just so your mind is at ease (and I KNOW you’ve been worrying about this ALL year), I found my Christmas mug collection. The mugs were right where I put them before the construction. 🙂
This post is linked up to Thursday Writer’s Workshop at Mama Kat’s. Stop by and visit some other great bloggers!

Hey, thanks for the music suggestions. I just brought up the Amy Grant (whom I love) album on Spotify, and I TOTALLY remember listening to it when I was growing up. How lovely!!!
Why didn’t we listen to the Glee Christmas album on the long Thanksgiving drive? I can pretty much guarantee Justin Bieber’s album was not nearly as good as Glee would have been. And you can’t forget “All I Want For Christmas Is You,” or will that be featured in an upcoming Love Actually post?
Thanks for commenting, Caroline and Lala! Definitely, there will be Love Actually. And I love Amy Grant because I’m an alto and can sing all of her songs. Happy Christmas!
I love doing activities with kids and making memories! I haven’t gotten into to Glee, but it’s only because my husband and boys will not let me watch it! I think I’d be a die hard fan if I saw one show. 🙂
My husband does not like it either, but that’s the beauty of technology. Since we have band on Tuesday nights, I always have to DVR it. You can also see it in the privacy of your computer time on Each episode is available eight days after it airs. Thanks for commenting!
I noticed that one of your Christmas albums is “Straight No Chaser”. I went to Indiana University with “the Jewish guy”–the one who sings about being Jewish in that one song (I can’t remember which one it is right now). His name is Walt. Anyway, we lived in the same dorm and used to hang out together with a group of people in our dorm. I dated his friend for a little while and for fun we would all hang around the grand piano in the commons area and play music and sing songs together. His friend that I dated, Jeff, was on IU’s drum line in their marching band. Walt was in an accapella group at IU and we went to see them perform one time. They were great! He definitely has a gift. Fun memories.
I have been enjoying the Straight No Chaser CD in my travels about town. It’s quite good! I’m going to be in a capella withdrawal on Monday nights now that The Sing-Off is done. I’ve also been enjoying the photos of your girls doing the ornaments. I loved making those shrinky ornaments too.
My favourite thing about Christmas is wrapping the presents. Some people find it tedious but I love curling the ribbon and folding the corners. I love family and what not too during the festive season… You just can’t beat a shiny pile of gifts. 🙂 xx
Thanks for commenting and signing up to follow my blog, Stacy! If you read any of my archives, you probably found out that I love England and visit as often as I can. I hope you liked the 24 Days of Christmas post. I bought wired ribbon from the dollar store so that all of my Christmas packages this year will be gorgeous but easy to do. I hope you’l keep reading and commenting.
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