Ask any teacher this time of year and they will tell you why they are not writing in their blogs — or doing much else in their personal lives either.
- I am frantically grading all the last assignments so that I don’t have to pull all-nighters on the days before grades are due.
- I am cleaning, sorting, and packing up my room so that they can hold summer school classes in it practically before my heels cross the threshold.
- I am trying to keep order in a schoolroom full of rambunctious eighth graders who are SO DONE with middle school but still have more than two weeks left. It wears me out.
- I have retirement, celebration, end-of-year, and graduation events almost every night starting next week. (Somebody’s got to eat that food and drink that wine.)
I can hear you all muttering about how lucky I am to have eight weeks of vacation. Yes, that’s part of my employment contract, and I double dare you to spend 180 days EVERY YEAR with 75 hormonal teenagers. See you in a couple of weeks!
This post is linked up to Vanderbilt Wife’s Why I… carnival. After reading and sending me some comment love, please go visit some posters at The Wife.

I hear you! I taught Jr. High, and used to tell all the jealous-of-summer people that it was either summer vacation, or free mental health care!
Of course, after I wrote this, my students were delightful today. Thanks for stopping by!