This Valentine’s Day, I’m finding myself thinking of the things I love that aren’t quite so obvious as my beloved husband and my own dear adult kids.
I love these kids. No, they aren’t my grandchildren; they’re the children of my dear friends. Even on a very bad day, they can beguile me out of my crabbiness.
And then there’s other spiffiness, like the new hand dryers we got at school in the student bathrooms. Last fall, the bathrooms were all remodeled and made accessible, but “somebody” bought stupid cheap hand dryers that didn’t do their job. As we have been having very cold, snowy weather this winter, it was discouraging to leave the bathroom with wet hands. On Monday when we returned to work, it was a thrill — albeit cheap — to watch my skin crawl as these powerful dryers did their work.
So, on this Valentine’s Day, I admit to being in love with these kids and dry hands. It could be worse…