I’ve decided to keep a diary this week to motivate me. I’m going to take photos of the little things I see along the way to celebrate my own small victories over unhealthy behaviors.
Monday: Today I walked 1.2 miles to the library and back. It’s the first real exercise walk I’ve taken since last summer. It wasn’t fast and it wasn’t very aerobic, but it takes some heart action to move this body. I also got some new orthotic inserts in my shoes and it really seems to help.
These crocuses (croci?) were peeking out of the ground in a warm spot. It’s amazing that just 48 hours ago, this space was covered in snow.
Tuesday: Tonight I walked 1 mile in my neighborhood just as the lights were coming on and the stars and the moon were becoming visible in the sky. As I walked around two blocks in my neighborhood, I was thinking that spring flowers aren’t the only sign of rebirth. There were three houses with signs in the front yard (and one with a ginormous dumpster in the driveway) for remodeling projects. Among the for sale signs, it was encouraging to see that people are still fixing up their homes and building a new vision for their lifestyles. Even the Amish — who am I to question the authenticity of this builder? — are getting into the cycle of renewal that spring brings.
My knees and hips were hurting a little bit and my back had some soreness from sleeping in the hospital last night, but I persevered in my walk. It’s a magical time of night to take a walk. It must have been the magic fairies that left this shiny bow for me as a reward for two days of exercise. Better than food, right?
Sorry about the quality of the photo; it’s hard to take a good photo at night of a shiny thing with a cell phone. 🙂
Wednesday: I invited NRB (husband) to walk with me to the library. After some small skirmishes about how my short stride (5’2″) makes him walk in an uncomfortable way (6′), we made it to the library and back. It’s good to talk and walk, but it was too dark to take photos. Clocked another 1.2 miles.
Thursday: I’m sorry. I got the CPAP machine this afternoon and I’m actually kind of eager to take it to bed.
Friday: I didn’t lose any weight this week, but I’m hoping that is because my doctor changed my medicine and my muscles are getting heavier from all that walking. I can hear you all laughing — I know that 3 miles and change will not bring about much muscular strength, but really, who’s counting? I’m proud that I finally took the exercise “step” toward better health.
Have you had any little successes this week? Share them with me and with Vanderbilt Wife. Link up to Giving Up On Perfect to share your weight loss story with sympathetic friends.

Can I just say that I did the Jillian Michaels Shred for the first time today and she KICKED MY BUTT. I thought I was never going to be able to walk again. But I can’t wait to do it again!!
You are wonderful in moving toward better health! Congratulations on walking this week and keep up the good work!
I love your daily log of where you walked and what you saw. What a wonderful idea! And that is a LOT of walking especially if you are like me (which is sounds like you are) and walking has not exactly been part of the routine for awhile. Congrats!
I’m proud of you! And I love your idea to focus on what inspires you on those walks! When I walked with my friend last week, it was the first time in several months. And even though we just walked a (slow) mile, I was out of breath, sweating and sore!
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